• Triggerz Adaptive Learning Experience Platform

    About the platform

    ADAPTIVE is the key word for Triggerz learning experience platform

    Triggerz focuses on the needs of large organizations, and we have made it easy to set up Triggerz to adapt to the unique sets of competencies, KPI’s and job-profiles defined by each customer.


    The core of Triggerz' service is a highly scalable stream-based scoring and recommendation engine that intelligently matches all approved content offers with the specific needs and wants for each individual user. The recommendations are based on machine learning, and our algorithms grow increasingly more precise over time.


    The default end-user and management UIs are web-based and tailored to work well across mobile devices and desktop computers (Ux).


    Triggerz recognize our role as a targeted niche supplier who must fit into the complex IT ecosystems of large corporations. Therefore, we are extremely open with respect to API's and sharing of Triggerz data.


    Triggerz' approach is to be as unobtrusive and integration friendly as possible. This is one of the reasons why we offer open API’s for data interfaces and selected services (API's), and why we open our data to our customers (Analytics Exchange)



  • Understand how Triggerz works in 2 minutes

  • Triggerz recommendation engine


    The heart of Triggerz is a recommendation engine that matches content to people.

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    The heart of Triggerz is a recommendation engine that maps individual users to content objects/-packages/-flows based on a relevance score. The relevance score are most often based on 100% customer specific competence-/capability models - supplemented by other quality- and impact indicators.

    As competence- and capability models varies greatly from customer to customer, and from role to role, we have made it very easy to adapt to customer specific versions (Customization)

    Basic Ux structure

    Planned development activities:

    For you as an individual, Triggerz provides an overview of all your planned development activities – across different programs, and whether mandatory or chosen by yourself.

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    Personalized feedback:

    Personalized feedback motivates you and helps direct your focus to the exact competencies you will benefit the most from improving.

    Individually recommended content :

    Triggerz gives you the opportunity to explore training content – recommended specifically for you – and sorted by what will best help you achieve your career objectives.

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  • Triggerz Analytics & Exchange platform

    The capture of user insights are at the very core of Triggerz.


    It makes our personal recommendations increasingly valuable to our end users and it feeds us with insights about what works (and what does not work) and inspires our customers to spend the next investment where it creates the highest effect.


    But, as we are most often part of a larger eco-system, we rarely have all the relevant data within Triggerz, so we needed to take a larger perspective:

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    The overview illustrates examples of all the data-sources that can be combined to understand the true drivers of desired new end-user behavior. The blue boxes are what is captured in Triggerz - and the green boxes is examples of data that resides in other IT systems.

    Based on this thinking, Triggerz did not only create an analytics platform. We combined it with an "Exchange center" - allowing our customers to combine Triggerz data with other important data sources.


    Triggerz captures all relevant data about user behavior and moves it to a data-warehouse on a daily basis. In this process, the data are prepared for processing and data visualization.


    We have currently integrated with Tableau business intelligence platform - but our architecture remains open to adding other BI platforms.

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    Example of one of many data reports delivered via Tableau (content deliberately distorted to protect customer data)

    So, how can we share data with our customers?


    We basically have two approaches that can be combined:

    • Triggerz as processing center
    • Triggerz as source
    When Triggerz acts as processing center we import data from other sources. This can be as trivial as importing data via Excel-/CVS files - or happen automatically via automatic, encrypted and safe, transfer routines.
    When Triggerz acts as source the traffic goes in the opposite direction, but the methods are the same: Anything from Excel exports to safe transfer routines.
  • Triggerz API's

    We support a number of different integrations today.


    We have integrations to Participant Management systems, HR systems, Active Directory, SSO etc. Triggerz integrates easily with existing systems in an organization.


    Triggerz exposes a number of web-service end-points through a REST-ful, SSL-encrypted API.


    The API supports authentication with a unique client id and a client secret.


    We currently provide standardized end-points for user management (creating, reading, updating and deleting) content management (reading) and participant management (creating, updating) with extended coverage on the road map for the coming months.

  • GDPR and security

    As a cloud based platform, we work with several hosting suppliers of different services.


    All services are hosted in EU.


    Triggerz are fully GDPR compliant and our set-up have been approved by several large multinational customers and other organizations.


    Triggerz are in the process of adding a third party audit to document the GDPR and security compliance of our processes and sub-suppliers.

    Register to get an online demo or more information about the Triggerz Platform